Cine spune ca lumea digitala e „a man’s world”? Va invitam sa urmariti 7 lideri de top, femei, din industria digitala internationala care vor urca pe scena la INTERACT 2017 – 23 – 24 mai, la Amsterdam.
– Anita Caras – Head of Research & Consumer Insights, AOL
– Sarah Mansfield – VP Global Media, Unilever
– Nicola Mendelsohn, VP Europe, Middle East & Africa, Facebook
– Anne Goodman, Senior VP Sales Enablement & Advertising Technology, BBC Advertising.
– Joelle Frijters, CEO & Co-founder, Improve Digital & Co-founder, Inspiringfifty
– Anna Lubowska, Chairman MEC CEE, Russia & CIS
– Townsend Feehan, CEO, IAB Europe.
Intreaga agenda a evenimentului este disponibila aici: http://www.
„You can’t be what you can’t see”. For better or for worse, most people are not trailblazers. That does not mean they lack potential but it does show the need for role models, the need to see people who are like them, succeeding in the types of roles they want to do. It is within this context that I am excited to see so many female leaders and thinkers on the agenda of IAB Europe’s Interact this year and the inclusion of a Talent Panel to the agenda.
The reason I got into the media business was through a fascination for its influence over societies, opinions and peoples behaviours. It is essential that we acknowledge and critique the role we play in creating a more inclusive, gender equal world.#BeBoldForChange is the ask for International Women’s Day, we need to be bold if want want things to change, have the confidence to lead by example and push against the rhetoric. In need of some further inspiration? Then MAKERS is a good place to start as it tells the stories of over 4,000 groundbreaking women across the Globe. I personally look forward to seeing you at IAB Europe’s Interact and continuing the debate.” – Anita Caras – Makers@AOL.
INTERACT este conferinta internationala de referinta a industriei de publicitate interactiva, organizata in fiecare an de IAB Europe – Locul unde liderii digitali ai Europei isi dau intalnire si unde oportunitatile de networking sunt la nivel inalt. IAB Romania ofera membrilor sai 2 bilete cu discount de 300 de Eur.
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