de Ioana Anescu | ian. 20, 2022 | Know-how, Stiri
Covid-19 has been a time of great upheaval and change for businesses around the world, and as the recent emergence of the Omicron variant has shown, we’re not out of the woods just yet. In the midst of the uncertainty, previously fast-growing Central and Eastern...
de Ioana Anescu | ian. 17, 2022 | EXPERTI IAB Romania, IAB Members Know-how, Know-how
Guest post al Teads – Membru IAB Romania Era “cookieless” este deja o realitate determinată de modificările tehnologice aduse de browsere, de mediile in-app, precum și de schimbările legislative. În prezent, aproximativ 40% din traficul web global nu utilizează...
de IAB Romania | apr. 26, 2021 | Comunicate de presa, Know-how
Cel mai recent studiu IAB Europe arata ca cetatenii Europeni inteleg si apreciaza conceptul de Internet sustinut prin publicitate. 75% dintre Europenii intervievati in cadrul studiului ar alege experienta prezenta a navigarii pe Internet in detrimentul unui...
de IAB Romania | iun. 16, 2020 | Know-how, Noutati
Tens of thousands of posts and comments were made about working from home, and millions of Romanians could read about the topic – until the end of May, by which time it lost most of its novelty. Most Romanians withdrew to the confines of their homes in March as the...
de IAB Romania | apr. 2, 2020 | Know-how, Solidaritate
Pentru a evalua „sentimentele” industriei in aceasta perioada si pentru a incerca sa prevedem ce poate aduce viitorul pentru publicitatea online, membrii nostri de la Neticle au derulat o analiza a mediului online si au urmarit mentiunile privind...
de IAB Romania | feb. 14, 2020 | Know-how, Stiri
It all started as an everyday post – but ended as a comment-cascade from a wide-range of brands. Lidl Hungary took a brave step, dropped a bomb and now it looks like it turns to be a milestone in the history of the Hungarian social media. More than 43k likes, 17k...
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